We are transparent. From the very beginning, we have been committed to financial transparency.


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Activities outcome

During the year 2023 ELSER FOUNDATION has carried out the following activities:

  • Solidaria Association in Barcelona-Spain: Promotion of in-kind donations to the project.
  • Paliaclinic Foundation in Barcelona-Spain: Support to the paediatric palliative programme.
  • Redención Association in Soria-Spain: Support for the plan to repair and upgrade its abandoned pet sheltering facilities.
  • Cum Laude Foundation in Ourense-Spain: Co-organisation and financing of “Cromática”, 6th biennial of modern art, an exhibition and painting competition for young artists.
  • Albero Azzurro Association in Pantelleria island-Italy: Support for the programme for children and teenagers with mental disabilities.
  • Acero di Daphne Association in Verona-Italy: Helping the palliative care programme.
  • Miséricordie Sans Frontière Foundation in Konta-Togo: Support for the operation of the residence for mentally ill children and teenagers in a stable situation.
  • France Benín Vendée Association in Benin-Africa: Helping the agricultural vocational training programme in rural areas of northern Benin.
  • Bicicletas sin Fronteras Foundation in Palmarín-Senegal: Support for the educational support programme through the loan of bicycles to teenage students.
  • Hermanos por Existir Foundation in Los Guineos-Dominican Republic: Help the “Early Stimulation Workshop” programme, aimed at pre-school children, and university scholarships.
  • Llar d’Infants del Món Foundation in Rohal-Cambodia: Support for the educational programme for school-age children and teenagers.
  • Tetepare Descendats Association in Tetepare island-Solomon Islands: Help the island’s biodiversity protection and conservation programme.