Legal Notice and Privacy Policy



In compliance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 Of The European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons, with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and the Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 April, on the personal data protection and guarantee of the digital rights, the user is informed of the conditions of the processing of its personal data on the website, in such terms:

Data controller

Personal data obtained by this website will be processed by FUNDACIÓN ELSER FOUNDATION, with address for the exercise of rights on C/ SANTALÓ, 101 7º-1ª, BARCELONA (08021) BARCELONA, ESPAÑA. Email:

Processing purposes

· To keep you informed about our activities, when requested, using the forms of the web site, or by email.

· Answering and managing your queries, comments and suggestions, when applicable.

· Gather information relating the use of the web site, analysing the number of visited pages, the number of visits, as well as its frequency and the activity of the users. For this purpose, the Controller uses statistical information prepared by the Internet Service Provider that does not allow the identification of the personal data subject in any case.

Lawfulness of processing

Consent. Personal data collected by the forms of the web site shall be processed only on the basis of the consent given by the personal data subject, which would have been given by checking the appropriate box. This consent can be withdrawn in any moment. Legitimate interest pursued by the Controller. The statistical information gathered from this website shall be processed on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Controller. This information does not allow the identification of the user.


Personal Data collected on this web site shall not be communicated to any third party, except legal obligation.


Personal data obtained from the user for the purpose of sending commercial communications will be stored until the personal data subject requests its erasure or revokes its consent.

If user sends its personal data in order to contact the Controller, or to ask any query or suggestions, personal data shall be stored while needed for that purpose and as long as any liability could bear as a result of the data processing. Statistical data resulting from the analysis of the website traffic are stored up to three years.


Data subject can exercise its rights to access, rectification, erasure, to restriction of processing, to object as well as to data portability, by writing to C/ SANTALÓ, 101 7º-1ª, BARCELONA (08021) BARCELONA, ESPAÑA. Email: In case of non-conformity with the processing, data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with a Spanish supervisory authority: Agencia Española de Protección de Datos ( Child protection policy

The user providing its personal data through forms included in this web site declares who provides its personal data on this website formally declares being over fourteen years of age.

The access to this web site is forbidden to any person under the age of fourteen.

The Controller reminds people over the legal age, who could have minors under their charge, of the liability resulted from the incorporation by the minor of its personal data in order to request any product or service.

Besides, advises the user of the existence of software which could restrict the navigation, through filters or blockings, on specific contents.

Social networks

By following our social network’s profiles, the user consents the processing of its personal data in accordance with the appropriate social network’s Privacy Policy. The user also consents the access and process, by the Controller, of its profile’s data and the shown on its wall of the news relating the products and services provided by the Controller. The request of the user to connect with the Controller implies its consent for the mentioned processes, being this the legal basis for the processing. Personal data will be stored until by the personal data subject objects or revokes its consent, which could be done at any moment.

Comments and contents published on social networks will become public information. Thus, users must be extremely careful when sharing private information. Controller shall not respond of the information users might have included on its social networks.

Although, people whose personal data were published or appeared on the comments, could request the cancellation of those to the Controller.


Identification data

In accordance with the provisions of the Law 34/2002, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, is property of FUNDACIÓN ELSER FOUNDATION


Address: C/ SANTALÓ, 101 7º-1ª, BARCELONA (08021) BARCELONA, ESPAÑA Phone: 681222000 Email: Tax ID number: G64732662

Industrial and intellectual property

All industrial and intellectual property rights of this website, including trademarks, formats, graphic designs, texts, images and documents, are property of FUNDACIÓN ELSER FOUNDATION or the legal or natural person, organization or entity which was lawfully entitled, and are protected under Spanish and international industrial and intellectual property laws.

It is forbidden to reproduce the information or content contained on this website with no prior written consent by FUNDACIÓN ELSER FOUNDATION nor the entitled legal or natural person.

Having access to the website does not imply any resignation, transmission or assignment of such rights by FUNDACIÓN ELSER FOUNDATION, nor by any other entitled legal or natural persons, unless otherwise expressly established.

Terms of use

Access to this website implies the full acceptance of these terms of use, which regulate the access and use with the purpose of informing users about our products and services It is prohibited to use the contents of this website for commercial purposes or for distribution, transformation or communication.

FUNDACIÓN ELSER FOUNDATION, shall not be liable for any damage or loss resulting from such use, or that may arise as a consequence of the use of the information. Both, access and use of its information of the web site, are the exclusive responsibility of the user.

The user is required not to use the information published on this website for illegal or wrongful purposes and not to damage the information itself or to carry out any action that could be contrary to this Legal Notice.

FUNDACIÓN ELSER FOUNDATION reserves the right to modify the content of the commercial offer of its products or services, whenever appropriate.

FUNDACIÓN ELSER FOUNDATION can’t assure the absence of interruptions or failures in access to this website, although it shall make any possible efforts in order to avoid it.

Links to other websites

Links to other web sites, which might be found on this web, are a service to users. These web pages are not managed by FUNDACIÓN ELSER FOUNDATION, who shall not be responsible for the contents of this web sites, which are not regulated in this Legal Notice. When accessing these web sites, user shall take into account that their Privacy Policies may differ from ours.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

This Legal Notice is governed by the current Spanish applicable law.

For the resolution of disputes that may arise as a result of the provisions under this policy, and relating its interpretation, application and compliance, the user, by accepting the conditions referred in this Legal Notice, expressly renounces to any other jurisdiction that might have corresponded.

In any case, within the Spanish jurisdiction, if the legislation allowed to undergo a specific place of jurisdiction, the user expressly renounces to it and submits itself to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of BARCELONA.